
 当事務所は、那須塩原市最初の法律事務所として 2008(平成20)年に開設されました。地域に根差した法律事務所として、取引関係や家族関係などの一般的な民事事件を扱うほか、医療事件や環境問題についても積極的に取り組んでおります。




 「地方に籠って井の中の蛙にならない」ということと、「何でもで きるふりをして事件を抱え込まない」ということを心がけています。各専門分野の最先端を走る日本全国の弁護士と積極的に交流して、情報を、感覚を、最新にするように心がけています。


This Office

Nasu law office is the first law firm in Nasushiobara, established in 2008. Our case file is mostly occupied with civil cases such as business transaction and family affairs, as well as being committed to medical and environmental issues.

Activities and Expertise

Medical Malpractice Cases
Forest and Forestry Cases
Renewable Energy Issues
Environmental Management
Fukushima Radiation Damage Cases
Conflict over City Planning and Development
Also experienced in international inheritance and drafting agreement in English


If your case is too specific and tough, and we are not so much experienced on it, we are ready to work in cooperation with other expert lawyer of that field. It is very important to keep communicating with other expert lawyers, nationwide.